Hello my friend.
It’s my belief that the weight we carry from our burdens can be far heavier than any amount of weight we could put on a barbell or try to lose from our waistline. And if I can be candid, I didn’t create Rack the Weight just for the fitness aspect — there are literally thousands of fitness bloggers and influencers out there in the virtual world.
Maybe you’re carrying a ton of mom guilt or the weight of other’s opinions. Maybe the burden of trying to please everyone or the burden of being “good enough” weighs you down. Perhaps you’re grieving the loss of a loved one. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here.
I hope that you’ll find inspiration and helpful resources on Rack the Weight that can help you in your journey. If I can offer a virtual hug, a word of encouragement, or a stress-buster workout, please email me at emelia@racktheweight.com.