The Great Debate: Group Classes or Personal Training – What’s More Effective?
Group Classes vs. Personal Training – Which is better?
I already know I’m going to ruffle some feathers with this one. I know this because I have seen enough personal trainers and group fitness instructors (and even fitness directors) battle over this topic.
As a personal trainer and a group instructor I’d like to share my perspective on what I believe is the most effective way to train.
Over the past six-ish years, I’ve worked in a variety of fitness settings and have had the opportunity to examine a lot of different scenarios. And if you want my quick answer to this debate, I’ll sum it up with this.
Would you use a butter knife to cut a steak? Would you use a steak knife to spread butter? Hopefully your answer was no because doing either one of those things is just weird. But in all seriousness, the design of the knife is for a specific purpose.
When is Personal Training Better Than Group Fitness Classes?
If you’re trying to decide if you should be doing personal training or group fitness classes, first you need to figure out what your goals are.
Do you have a specific goal you’re trying to achieve? Are you training for something in particular? Do you struggle with form or understanding movement or mobility?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, the best option for you is to work with a personal trainer. A personal trainer can give you insights, tips and personalized attention that a group class usually doesn’t offer.
Group instructors can “cue to the room” with helpful coaching, but working with a trainer is a much more personalized approach to your training.
If you’re training to reach a specific goal, your personal trainer will work with you to create a program that helps you reach that goal.
If you’re training for an event, your personal trainer will utilize certain exercises to equip you in getting your body ready for the endeavor.
If you’ve never been taught proper form and don’t have a general understanding of how the body moves, a (good) personal trainer will help you understand mobility and the basic movement patterns.
When is Group Fitness Better Than Personal Training?
Step one is the same here – figure out your goal(s).
Here are some scenarios where I believe group fitness is the better way to train:
- You’re in a regular gym routine and you understand proper form.
- You have no serious limitations that need to be monitored.
- You can follow the instructor’s cues in a group setting.
- You enjoy the comradery of group fitness.
- You can keep up with the pace of group fitness.
If you are able to do all of the above, I believe group fitness classes can offer an individual everything they need in a fitness regimine.
When NOT to Use a Personal Trainer
Going back to the knife analogy, sometimes it’s just not the right utensil to use.
If you have a strong understanding of movement and proper form, you aren’t training for anything in particular, and you’re in what we would call a “maintenance phase,” I would suggest getting your workouts in on your own or in a group fitness class.
If there are any personal trainers reading this, they’re probably cringing, but that’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.
Let’s be honest, working with a personal trainer is an INVESTMENT. It’s not cheap. If you’re in a place where you feel confident to get a solid workout in on your own, DO IT and re-visit your trainer when you have a need.
One of the greatest compliments a personal trainer gets is to have a client continue to come back after they go on “maintenance” breaks.
If you’re one of those people who NEED direction and motivation to work out (which is honestly almost everyone I’ve ever trained) then get your buns to a group fitness class while you’re in maintenance mode.
When NOT to Use Group Fitness Classes
Do you need direct feedback or instruction when you’re performing an exercise? Or maybe it’s hard for you to be around others when you’re working out. Do you hate loud music and moving quickly? Well, my friend, group fitness might not be for you.
I do want to add a caveat here though – EVERYONE in class had a “first-time experience” and I bet everyone felt uncomfortable/nervous/stupid/unprepared….
Depending on what format of class you’re taking, I generally tell participants it’ll take a few times of taking the class to even understand what the heck we’re doing.
I have to let you in on a secret. You know that thing that you’re really good at? The thing you might even call yourself an expert in? You sucked at it the first time you did it. I say that with LOVE.
I’ve had participants literally dragged to class by a friend or relative, who were sure they would hate it, only to have them turn into group fitness junkies who were front and center in class for years. That’s the beauty of group fitness.
I say all that to say, don’t put the “NO” stamp on group fitness just because you feel uncomfortable. Have a solid reason like the ones above.
Which One Is “Better?” Personal Training or Group Fitness
There is no better one. They both serve unique purposes that provide specific results. You can get fit doing either. If you can afford it, I would say do BOTH.
An optimal strategy if your pocketbook says yes is to implement both personal training sessions and group fitness classes. This will give you a unique experience and some serious results.
Your personal trainer is well, personal. He or she should know where you are, where you want to go and then be able to create a program to get you there. Your physique and your lifts should be monitored and moving in the right directions.
Having that type of personalized approach is invaluable.
Adding group fitness on top of that can be game changing. You’re still being monitored and personally trained by your trainer AND you’re crushing some workouts in a group setting.
Clients that I’ve trained that do both are always amazed with their results. It’s pretty hard to NOT see results with this type of training.
Working Out Alone
Are you one of those amazing individuals who can slap on their headphones, start a playlist, and GET IT DONE? Kudos to you, no….seriously.
I find it amazing how different people are motivated in different ways and what works for one may not work at all for another. I’m envious of people who just go to the gym and do their THANG. Even as a trainer, I am so much more motivated and need the accountability of a trainer or group class.
I can tell you that when I work out on my own in my garage, the STRUGGLE IS REAL. My workouts must be communal!
Final Verdict: Personal Training Vs. Group Fitness
Drum roll please….
The correct answer is the one that gets you moving. Do you have a personal trainer you really connect with? Keep doing that. Do you have a class or instructor that keeps you coming back for more? Keep going to that. Are you the person who can work out on their own? Keep it up.
The key to sustainability and results is unique to YOU.
The only wrong answer is to keep shutting the door on your health and fitness. It’s more than aesthetics. It’s more than athletics.
Health isn’t guaranteed my friends. Now go find a program, a trainer, a class, a home workout – ANYTHING THAT GETS YOUR MOJO GOING!